Saturday, May 19, 2007

A Little Light in Philippine Politics

Yeah, you read that right! In the latest elections last May 14, tables are turned and others are scratching their head on disbelief on the results of the polls.
These are the some of the results that would help you believe that there is still a little good on our politics:
1. Antonino-Custodio wins over Pacman in the congressional race in Gensan:
Im a gensan homeboy and I saw the drama between the former mayor's daughter and the southpaw boxer. Honestly I would have voted for Pacman, for me thinking that to give a fresh face in our government and to boot out the Antonino political dynasty here. but serious thinking led me to conclusion that a highschool dropout boxer cannot be a representative of our district. Im beginning to see the "katakot-takot na kantyaw" from my classmates in IIT if Pacquiao wins.
But the people of gensan are intelligent and logical enough to vote against pacman. Im so proud of the you gensan pipz^^,)

2. A priest wins Governership of Pampanga against a jueteng queen and a quarry king:
I believe, this is the most believable, most truest, and most honest election for Governorship.
It only shows that when people unite and vote as one for the best people for the government position, miracles can happen!

3. Former COMELEC Commisioner "Hello Garci" Garcillano concede on Bukidnon:
Well who believed he will win? I didn't...